Thursday, June 12, 2008

Time spent with God

I have not been on here recently (sorry, I will try and get better). But I just watched the Cardboard Testimony and it really moved me. What a great video. It really had made me think what my Cardboard Testimony would be. I think it would be:

Full of Pride
Humbled by God's grace
I can be prideful about so many things and sometimes its a daily struggle to be humbled by God. I can come up with every excuse imaginable to not spend time with God, but that is what I am lacking in my life. I want to be filled up by you all or by Kyle or even by Ryland and at the end of the day I am still left filling empty. I need time with God.
What does your time with God look like? Do you just read the bible or do you have a devotional that you love? Do you sit and pray or do you pray in the shower? I would love to know what you time looks like. I am running dry and would like to spice up my moments with God. I hope that doesn't sound bad, I'm not saying God is boring, just interested in what you do.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I loved your cardboard testimony. It could be my own as well. Before I comment on your questions, do you want to get together sometime? I know things are hectic with a wee one, so you let me know what would work for you - dinner, coffee, walk around White Rock (hopefully in morning, if this is the choice!) Let me know.

Ok... this sounds stupid and maybe everyone does this but I talk to God all the time. Like He is my imaginary friend with me all the time. But it is respectful, short prayers how I talk to him. If a day goes by and I'm not constantly commenting to HIm, that is when I feel dry. When I walk in the morning (has been a while) I am thanking him for this moment that I'm in where the wind is cool, the dawn is here etc... when I fly to meetings I'm rejoicing in the ability to fly, the glimpse into heaven. I know this may make me sound a little obsessed or maybe like that is a lot but my mind is really cluttered with a lot of crap. Ego, pride, work, work, work, I don't place time to think about myself - my heath even!! So I think if I talk to God all the time, I won't have to carve out a particular time to do it and then constantly feel like I'm not able to accomplish that goal either. Does that make any sense? I do do other things as well but this is the biggest.

Mandy said...

Sherah - GREAT questions and some I've had myself lately. I think it is so easy for people to get caught up in day to day busyness and not really spend enough time with God. I confess I'm guilty of this. I love Amy's idea of having an on-going dialogue all day long. I get caught up on needing a block of time to pray or read, etc. (see my post on legalism)