Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Does anyone want to Tivo?

Good Afternoon all!

Well, as Amy and I purge and "smudge" our stuff together I am finding stuff I can't use anymore. One of those things is a great Tivo system. I know many cable companies offer DVR's with their service, but those of you who don't have that, and have a program or movie they would like to watch, but can't, I have the deal for you!

I got a new Tivo 2 System last year cheap through my Goldman Sachs Perks website. You can record 2 shows at once, or watch one channel while recording another channel. it's pretty cool. All you will need is a home phone line, DSL or wireless. (so it can download your guide)

When I got this, I didn't realize that I had to get a 2 year contract of 13.00 a month. Well, on my cable now, it automatically came with a DVR. Now I am paying 13.00 a month for nothing!

what is the deal for you?

1. You get this great updated system w/remote (over 150.00 value)
2. You get the opportunity to get on the website and set up a recording for a program from your computer at work! (if you have wireless, or DSL hook up)
3. You only pay me 13.00 a month! you can pay me monthly, or give me quarterly installments, whatever you want. (no Pennies please)

I just can't justify paying for this that is just sitting doing nothing!

Pass this along, and let me know! You know how to get a hold of me.

Blessings! See you tomorrow!

Katie to the K

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