Monday, April 28, 2008

Community means...?

Hi y'all. I have to be honest...I've been having a terrible time with these threads. I'm just not sure how I feel here. I need a little help understanding what the word "community" means. I mean...I know the obvious meanings, but when it comes to not being ok or whatever...letting the people you walk with know that you're not ok is one thing...but am I correct in my understanding that in order to be walking in obedience with regard to community, we share our hardships with everyone...will a choice few not do? I guess I'm just confused here. I'm personally going through one of the toughest times I've ever faced, and I've shared the details of that with a couple of and outside our group, but all strong women, walking with the Lord. Is that not good enough? I want so badly to walk with everyone but isn't it hard to be completely transparent with more than just a few people? I mean...truly let someone know your ins and outs and you know theirs. It seems that if the number of people we do that with grows, or is more than a few, it'd be harder to be all you all the time. And it's not that I don't want it to be our group that I personally share me with...but when the desert is at its driest, mustering up the emotional energy to share anything with one person seems to be all I have, much less sharing it with everyone. I'm not sure any of this makes any sense at all...just thoughts I suppose. And...I just miss you guys as I'm sitting out here by the water in Corpus Christi and wanted to say hello. :)) So...please, someone 'splain this to me so I can quit trying to hard to figure this one out. I love all you guys so much.

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