Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Corpus Thoughts...

Hey there-I certainly do not have all the answers to your questions and thoughts, but they are really good to think of. I think that even Jesus had a community that he was committed to-the 12 disciples, but then he had an even closer group of fellows the 3 disciples he hang with most often, that he was even more intimate with.
I really think that if you live in obedience to what the Lord is asking you to do in your individual situation , He will reveal rather the issues you are going through need to be shared with a few or with the group. I think that it is when you are being lead to share with folks-and fear keeps you from doing so-that you are not living in obedience with community. Matt preached a GREAT sermon on community this weekend. Be sure to download it when you can-or let me know if you need to to burn it for you and you can take a listen. It was REALLY good.
I Love you Amanda and I will pray for you while you are in the desert. Do not feel you have to share, but know that I am here if you want to. In the meantime, I will be on my knees for you!

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